Setenv PATH "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/atform/Developer/usr/bin:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" Is this what you meant by compiler output ?ĬompileC /Users/yvesleborg/Library/Caches/appCode20/DerivedData/Max\ Power-c66c6734/Build/Intermediates/Max\ Power.build/Debug-iphoneos/Max\ Power\ Adventures.build/Objects-normal/armv7/SecureGameAssets.o Classes/SecureGameAssets.m normal armv7 objective-c .clang.1_0.compilerĬd /Users/yvesleborg/devel/MaxPowerProject/MaxPower/Adventures I loathe the thought of doing my final build/archive with Xcode and have my app bounce on a pseudo-leak.Ĭontext : xCode 5, AppCode 2.1.2, iPhone 4S test device, game uses cocos2d 2.0 that xCode represent, i have even money on that).Īny insights you kind peeps may give me would be appreciated. It could very well be an Instruments bug (given the shoddy piece of steaming sh. When i build and run with AppCode, then start Instruments, and attach to the running process : voila ! the leak appears again. ) that may not be in my project configuration, explaining the totally different outcomes ? if yes, please do-tell, so i can fix the ^$%()*&_ other IDE, and submit.Īnother funny thing. does AppCode do anything different at compile time (switches etc. So my question basically, even if i use the same scheme/target. I completely missed that leak while running down my test suite with AppCode because it is not there !!! when i compile and run Instruments from AppCode 2.1.2, the leak is NOT there.Īlso, the memory footprint is 50% higher with the xCode build vs AppCode. The only reason i am using xThingie at the moment is that i'm prepping to submit to the AppStore, and i'm playing certificates and Archive.

It does not register as a leak with the Leaks instrument, but i guess 1Mb per 2 minutes would qualify imnsho.

Hello all, I have been chasing a memory issue that shows up when i compile with xCode5 and in the Allocations instrument.