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Month Day Year Birthdate Please update my birthdate. If you're not contacting us to change or add your birthday, then please select another topic under "Inquiring about”. Please sign in so we can connect your feedback to your account Please include a valid birthdate so that we can update your account. If your Credit Card statement shows Google, Apple, or PayPal, then please select that option under Payment Methods. Please include your PayPal email address Please include the line item description from your bank or credit card statement, e.g: "*Ug1r23" or "*123456789". If you canceled your subscription prior to the renewal date, then your account will not be charged. Note: You may see a pending authorization up to 72 hours before the actual renewal date. Add file or drop files here Please include your Google Play order number. If you need a response, then please submit your request through another form.

If you need assistance, please email us. Please let us know what kind of trouble you are having and which troubleshooting steps you have already tried. Learn more about why our new games use HTML5 rather than Adobe Flash Player. If you still have trouble, your graphics card may not support HTML5. See instructions on turning on Windows updates here, or Mac updates here. Check for any available updates on your computer.

See instructions for updating your browser. You can follow these troubleshooting steps: All versions of the player on a system are generally updated within 24 hours of a new version being released. If we are unable to load the games on your browser, you will see the message "In order to play this game you must be using a browser that supports HTML5." Depending on your computer, you may also see a blurred or distorted screen. If an update is found it downloads and installs it.
These games have different requirements than Flash games. HTML5 games require certain graphics cards and drivers (the hardware used to play video graphics). Adobe Flash Web browsers, iOS (via third-party software), Android, Windows, macOS, Linux Adobe Animate Flash Builder FlashDevelop Powerflasher FDT Flash. Our newest games use HTML5 (an alternate method of displaying videos and graphics online, which does not require Adobe Flash Player).